what we are working on
Find out more about our recent publications, presentations, and media contributions below. We list work from all group members since 2024 or before, if relevant to the concept of a human-centered internet and our focus on the digital public space.
Tuchtfeld, AI Act: Was er regelt und wen er betrifft, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Tuchtfeld, Die Grenzen des Rechts: Warum es mehr als nur Regulierung braucht, um die Debattenkultur im Internet zu retten, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Tuchtfeld, Case law on content moderation and freedom of expression (2nd edition), Global Freedom of Expression, Special Collection of the Case Law on Freedom of Expression
Tuchtfeld, Eyes Everywhere: The Proliferation of Public and Private Surveillance under the EU Charter, Verfassungsblog
Hauck/Tiedeke, Embracing ‘Pataphysics of International Law: Introducing reflectiÖns on Dis:Order in International Law, Völkerrechtsblog
Tuchtfeld, No Backdoor for Mass Surveillance: The European Court of Human Rights Protects the Right to Encrypted Communication, Verfassungsblog
Tuchtfeld, Case law on content moderation and freedom of expression, Global Freedom of Expression, Special Collection of the Case Law on Freedom of Expression
Tuchtfeld, The Prohibition of Censorship in times of AI: Legal Challenges for the Prevention of Norm Violations Online (Research Seminar at Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn)
Tuchtfeld, Content Moderation Beyond Platforms: The Power and Human Rights Obligations of Infrastructure Service Providers (Annual conference of the European Society for International Law (ESIL), Vilnius)
Tuchtfeld/Hense/Fetic, Rechtliche Dimensionen der KI: Zwischen Innovation und Verantwortung (Veranstaltungsreihe: „K.I.ne Grenzen – Realität und Zukunftsfähigkeit von Künstlicher Intelligenz“, Dresden)
Tiedeke, No Collective Here? – Collective Constitutional Counterstrategies in the Algorithmic Society (ICON-S “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid)
von Bogdandy/Cartabia/Cassesse/ Tuchtfeld (chaired by Crego), Panel: The resilience of Republicanism, global, European, national, digital (ICON-S “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid)
Yun, Ethics for Computational Social Sciences (Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (WZB), Berlin)
Tuchtfeld, The first of its kind: The EU’s AI Act as an attempt to comprehensively regulate the use Artificial Intelligence (Seminar series of the Center for Humans and Machines, Berlin)
Johannsen/Banda, Presentation of the working paper: “Commons for the Commons: Climate Action in the Amazon through Data Collaboratives” (Data for Policy, Imperial College London)
Yun/Wagner/Heilinger, It’s not about bias but Discrimination (Third European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF ’24), Mainz)
Johannsen, Lecture: “Regulation of the Platform Economy” (LL.M. program of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, Munich)
Tuchtfeld, Fighting Digital Crime without Mass Surveillance: It’s possible! [Digitale Kriminalitätsbekämpfung ohne Massenüberwachung: Das geht!] (re:publica 2024, Berlin)
Yun, ´K-Datasets: The More the Merrier?´ (Lake Como School of Advanced Studies – Summer School of Computational Social Science, Como)
Yun/Jeon/Koh, ´K-Datasets: The More the Merrier?´ (Workshop at Global AI Cultures at the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Vienna)
Yun, Unraveling Bias: Why do we care? (Max Planck Law Tech Society Graduate Student Symposium, online)
Tuchtfeld, #42 Mehr als nur Freiheit: Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Menschenrechte – with Ibrahim Kanalan, Völkerrechtspodcast
Tuchtfeld, #39 Targeted Killings: Von Tiergarten bis Teheran – with Kai Ambos, Völkerrechtspodcast
Tuchtfeld, #38 Smarte Kriege: Künstliche Intelligenz in bewaffneten Konflikten – with Vanessa Vohs, Völkerrechtspodcast
Tuchtfeld, #35 Global Animal Law: Eine kurze Geschichte der Subjektivität im Völkerrecht – with Anne Peters, Völkerrechtspodcast
Johannsen/Matarazzi, Discussion about the “Position Statement of the MPI for Innovation and Competition on the Implementation of the DMA”, Weizenbaum Institut, PLAMADISO Talk Series